OPEF Initiatives

Clubs and Organizations

Many clubs and organizations are available at OPHS. All club and organization activities are planned by officers and sponsors. Students who request information on existing clubs or who are interested in organizing a new club should contact the administrator responsible for Student Activities in the Student Services Center.

Book Club

Monthly novels are selected by the committee chair based on suggestions. Anyone may choose to purchase the selected novel (or check the novel out at the library), and join the book club in an intriguing conversation of genre, conflict, character analysis, and resolution. The community also participates.

BuildOn Club

buildOn empowers U.S. high school students to improve their own lives and communities, as well as to take an active role in the construction of schools in developing countries. Youth engaged in buildOn's U.S. After-School Programs are active both locally and globally. They volunteer thousands of hours in service to their own communities, learn about other cultures through global education activities, and raise funds to foster buildOn’s construction projects overseas.

Business Professional of America (BPA)

Business Professional of America-the mission of the Michigan Business Professional of America is to empower students to succeed in a world-class workforce through the development of leadership, academics, and technological skills and an opportunity to participate in Regional, State and National Leadership conferences. This club is directly related to classes taken in the Business and/or Technology Academy.

Broadcast Arts Club (Cable Channel 17)

Looking for the club that stimulates your creative side? Consider the Broadcast Arts Club, Video Productionl7! As a member of Video Production (VP) 17 you’ll learn to produce and work on a variety of programming including commercials, Public Service Announcements (PSA), News, and even District Productions! Join today! This club is directly related to the Broadcasting course taken in the Fine Arts Department.

Choir/Inspirational Choir

This club is directly related to Music/Choir courses. The Inspirational Choir is a group committed to singing uplifting Inspirational Music. This group also appears and participates in various school performances throughout the year.

Concert Band

The Concert Band plays and studies music of different periods including works of contemporary composers. Solo and ensemble work is encouraged. Performances include evening and daytime concerts and football games. The Concert Band is the Marching Band during the football season. Pre¬requisite: Admission by audition or recommendation.

Drama Club

The Drama Club engages students to discover and develop their theater and stage potential, beginning with improvisational activities, stage movement exercises, essential voice techniques and basic audition skills, before moving on toward performing. While opportunities for stagehand and technician work are also included, live stage performance remains the focus of this exciting club.

Foreign Language Club

This club seeks to teach students about diversity and to appreciate our global society. Specific language knowledge is not needed to be a part of this club. Students will have an opportunity to host local events, raise funds for international travels, and to help create a culture within the school to embrace ethnic diversity.

Health Occupations Student of America Club (HOSA)

A national student organization for young adults interested in any of the 2,000 careers in the health services arena (including child care, care of sick and injured persons and food service to name a few). HOSA students sponsor two blood drives/yr and are often involved in other projects such as TB or sickle cell testing. There are many areas of competitive events taking place at a regional, state and national level which leads not only to travel opportunities but the opportunity to meet other future health professionals.

Mentoring Clubs

Separate clubs are established for males and females. Mentors and community leaders assist students in acquiring the skills necessary to be life long learners and to make responsible decisions. There is an emphasis on leadership and building self-esteem.

National Honor Society (NHS)

Is an organization for pupils not only with high academic merit but also outstanding character and a record of school and community involvement. It functions as a service organization.


PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. It is best described as systems of support that include proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to create positive school environments. PBIS serves as a secondary intervention team of staff and students with a mission to reinforce positive behavior among our students. It is a systematic approach for establishing and maintaining a positive social and behavioral learning environment for all our students and staff.

Pep Club

This is an opportunity for students to support athletics and academics by assisting with the planning of pep assemblies and student / grade-level meetings, demonstrating school spirit at sporting and academic events, and decorating our school on special occasions. The pep club works cooperatively with other clubs and organizations to promote school spirit and pride.

Robotics Club

Students use 3D designs, Web Pages, Computer Programming and participate in Fund Raising in order to compete. The Robotics club builds a robot and program it for the First Inspiration Recognition Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics competition.

Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) – combined with Y.O.U.

Its purpose is to work within the school community to inform students about the dangers of drinking and driving. SADD meets on a weekly basis and encourages students from all grade levels to join and participate in a variety of activities including Day of the Dead. One day is set aside usually before the December vacation and another before graduation day to make students particularly sensitive about drinking SADD has enjoyed strong support from students and staff who have allowed SADD members to participate in some school time activities. Currently, SADD is initiating plans to establish a Student Lock-In for seniors to provide a safe and entertaining way for them to celebrate graduation.

Student Council/Senate (Student Leadership)

This will promote ownership of Oak Park High School within our student body. Through this program, students will have a forum in which they can voice concerns and have them addressed through representation. We will increase the involvement of our students and decrease the feeling of apathy in our students. We will also bridge the gap between faculty including teachers and administration and our students. This collective group will host events, raise funds, and raise awareness of important issues that impact teens.


The Class Sponsor, along with students, plan events, field trips and fundraisers for their Class Fund. This money is used to pay for student/class activities. All sponsors are required to maintain a positive balance in their accounts. As an organization of Oak Park High School, it is devoted to the service of graduating the students in their class/cohort. It is responsible for the planning, coordination, and implementation of class events-including prom, homecoming, and graduation. Leadership, accountability and responsibility are emphasis of this club.


The yearbook class is responsible for production of the annual school yearbook, The Revoir and the Oak Park High School literary magazine, The Round Table. Students will study and use all organizational, marketing, language arts and graphic arts skills required for a high quality publication. See the Yearbook teacher for questions.

Y.O.U. - (Young, Optimistic and United)

is dedicated to making responsible choices and making the world a better place for present and future generations by informing and motivating the youth of the community. Topics include, but are not limited to substance abuse, leadership, working together, etc. As a group, YOU facilitates many positive activities within the school and community. Students design, conduct and evaluate substance abuse prevention initiatives in the school as well as develop leadership skills to enable them to be personally successful and effective role models.

Our Sponsors


SHW Group

Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students