Public Meetings

Notice of Public Meetings being held virtually. Meeting Links and Information will be posted below:

Board of Education

Please take notice that the Oak Park School District Board of Education will hold public meetings by convening through remote electronic access as provided in this Notice. Proceedings conducted at this meeting are pursuant to the provisions of the Michigan Open Meetings Act and Executive Order 2020-75 and Executive Order 2020-77 issued by Governor Gretchen Whitmer. 

1. The Board of Education is meeting electronically to address necessary business operations of the School District.

2. This meeting is being held electronically to comply with Governor's Executive Orders and Directives and federal and state agency recommendations to cease in-person public assemblies, self­ quarantine, and help prohibit the spread of COVID-19. The Board of Education recognizes its continuing responsibility for needed decision-making and will conduct this meeting in a manner that effectuates as fully as possible the purposes of the Open Meetings Act.

3. Individuals are encouraged to participate in the meeting electronically, including providing public comment, either through prior e-mail correspondence, online audio-conferencing, and telephone comments.

4. For those seeking to participate electronically through online video or audio-conferencing, participants can access the electronic meeting through the the links below this notice. 
For those who choose to access through the video-conference app, you will be prompted to download the app to participate.

5. Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the meeting should contact the Oak Park School District at (248) 336-7700 at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting to request accommodations.

Please visit our Board of Education Meetings page to view our scheduled meetings.

Bid Openings:

Please take notice that the Oak Park School District will hold  public bid openings by convening through remote electronic access as provided in this Notice. Proceedings conducted at this meeting are pursuant to the provisions of the Michigan Open Meetings Act and Executive Order 2020-75 and Executive Order 2020-77 issued by Governor Gretchen Whitmer

1. The Oak Park School District is meeting electronically to address necessary business operations of the School District.

2. This meeting is being held electronically to comply with Governor's Executive Orders and Directives and federal and state agency recommendations to cease in-person public assemblies, self­ quarantine, and help prohibit the spread of COVID-19. The Oak Park School District recognizes its continuing responsibility for needed decision-making and will conduct this meeting in a manner that effectuates as fully as possible the purposes of the Open Meetings Act.

3. Individuals are encouraged to participate in the meeting electronically, including providing public comment, either through prior e-mail correspondence, online audio-conferencing, and telephone comments.

4. For those seeking to participate electronically through online video or audio-conferencing, participants can access the electronic meeting through the the links below this notice. 
For those who choose to access through the video-conference app, you will be prompted to download the app to participate.

5. Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the meeting should contact the Oak Park School District at (248) 336-7700 at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting to request accommodations.

Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students