Our Academics

Elementary Academics

ELA Curriculum

Oak Park elementary schools utilize Savvas myView Literacy as a resource to support instruction aligned to the Common Core Standards. The resource incorporates the Essential Literacy Practices to ensure students are being challenged and become lovers of reading.

MyView Literacy is a comprehensive, interactive core literacy program for elementary students that targets all areas of the literacy block. Through high quality instruction that utilizes the science of reading and authentic literature, myView equips teachers with the tools they need to teach their students both how to read and how to love reading. Writing instruction in myView Literacy utilizes the power of mentor texts to inspire growing authors and takes students step by step through the writing process. Instruction in bridge lessons moves students through meaningful and connected spelling, grammar, conventions and word study experiences. Each unit brings all the learning together with a real world inquiry project that gets students engaged in their communities.

Math Curriculum

Oak Park elementary schools uses The Math Expressions resource to deliver instruction that is aligned to the Michigan Academic Standards and incorporates the eight mathematical practices. Doing so, ensures students develop strong mathematical critical thinking skills, reasoning skills, and problem solving algorithms through inquiry based hands on activities. Math Expressions promote teaching of efficient procedures while tapping into children’s natural solution methods. Each day, involves students engaging in early mathematical routines for our younger students incorporating calendars, money, number charts, and counting. The next component for all K-5 students is fluency activities and instruction introducing mathematical ideas. Students practice new skills and reinforce previously taught materials in pairs, small groups, or individually.

The online component provides Tier I, II, and III instruction through Math Personal Trainer. Using Think-Central’s Math Personal Trainer, students can reinforce secure skills, practice new skills, and enrich developing skills. The online assessments builds the stamina and know-how for solving multi-step problems much like the problems presented on the M-STEP.

Link to Math Expressions Website and Research:


Science Curriculum

Oak Park elementary schools uses Delta Educations’ FOSS Science Program to deliver instruction that is aligned to the Michigan State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). During each FOSS investigation students are continually exposed to science concepts that provide multiple exposures to science phenomenon. The online component allows students exposure to real-world concepts. The lesson design includes:

  • Active investigation, including some outdoor lessons
  • Note taking in their own science notebooks to answer the focus question
  • Reading FOSS Science materials
  • Assessment to monitor progress, motivate student reflection, and identify areas of mastery for students, teachers, and parents.

The chart below details FOSS Science Units of Study for our elementary K-5 students:

(Delta Education, 2019).

Link to FOSS Science Website, Parent Help Documents, and Research:

Social Studies Curriculum

Oak Park Elementary Schools uses My World Social Studies Program to deliver instruction that is aligned to the Michigan Academic Standards and College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework. My World Interactive encourages students to study the world, develop their thinking, and engage with social studies content. The program allows teachers to differentiate lessons to meet the needs of all students. The program Inspires Active Learning with a project-Based approach to learning. The rich experiences cultivate skills for active and responsible citizenship. The program allows students to become better analyzers of information and build critical thinking skills. The plethora of resources meet the needs of every student in the classroom through differentiation. The online component builds virtual real-world experiences for all students (Pearson, 2018).   

Our third grade students in Oak Park elementary schools use the MAISA Social Studies units that are aligned to the Michigan Academic Standards and College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework. Third grade students in Michigan study Michigan History. Our students were the first in Michigan to pilot the newly improved MAISA Social Studies units created by our teachers through a partnership with Oakland Schools. Our third grade students have the opportunity to experience all of the richness Michigan History offers through studying; Michigan History, Michigan Geography, Michigan Civics, and Michigan Government, and Economics.  

Link to My World Website, C3 Framework, and Research:





Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students