Student Activities
Teams are grades 3-4 and grade 5. Teams are co-ed. Students are required to have a 2.0 grade point average. All games are played on Saturdays at Oak Park Preparatory Academy.
Students in grades 3-5 participate in the cheer program locally and nationally. Students have been recognized for their achievement in various cheer competitions throughout the area.
Clubs & Organizations
Safety Patrol
4th and 5th grade students provide support at our school entrances at arrival and dismissal. The students who participate in Safety Patrol escort students in grades K-2 to Latchkey and the bus.
Chess Club
Members of the Chess Club are in grades 3 - 5. Students learn how to play the chess and compete against each other. Tournaments occur in the spring.
Student Council
Student council is a service organization. Members in grades 4 - 5 participate in a variety of community service projects.
National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS)
Students in grades 4 -5 must apply and have the grades to be considered for NEHS. NEHS members raise funds to support various community programs, such as Kids Beating Cancer, COTS, etc.
Honor Roll Assemblies (each card marking)
Perfect/Near Perfect Attendance assemblies
O.K. 2 Say Assemblies
Student of the Month Recognition
Einstein Spirit Wear Fridays
March is Reading Month activities
Spirit Week activities
Grade-level Field Trips
Black History Month activities
Kindergarten Promotion
Fifth Grade Promotion
Career Recognition Week
Holiday, Winter & Spring Concerts