Parent & Student Resources

NDA Software Links




Khan Academy 


Click the link above or visit and click on Students tab and select Student Connect from the drop down menu.

Log in using your student ID number and password (mm/dd/yy). If you do not have this information, please call the office at 248-336-7620 or 248 336 7651. 

What you can find here:
  • Your personal Gmail
  • Schedules
  • Grades
  • Assignments
  • Attendance
Click the link above or sign in or click the link ‘Parent Portal Connect’ at the top of the district website.
Click ‘Need Your Login Information?’ to receive an email with your pin and password. 

Do we have your current email and phone number?  You can easily check and update your phone number and emergency contacts here.

Here you can find real-time information about your child’s
  • Grades
  • Missing work
  • Attendance
  • Schedule
  • Behavior
Students are expected to be online from 8:00a.m. until 3:00p.m. with breaks and lunch incorporated in the schedule
Synchronous lessons will occur each day (Zoom/Google Meet links are displayed)
Two on Monday (English and Reading Strategies)
Mrs. Garrow (English) –                      Meeting ID: 920 5868 8228 Passcode: Garrow

  Meeting ID: 964 0824 4051 Passcode: 7EZpv6

One on Tuesday (Science)
Dr. Crockett - Google Meet link:
One on Wednesday (Math)
Dr. Myles – Google Meet link:
One on Thursday (Social Studies)
Mr. Matesson - Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 912 7929 3871 Passcode: Matteson
One on Friday (Strategies for Academic Success)
Asynchronous work must be completed on Odysseyware
Teachers will be available throughout the day to assist with this work
Teachers Zoom/Google Meet Links for Asynchronous work in Odysseyware
Mrs. Brinson -
Meeting ID: 944 2006 7290    Passcode: 3qKyg6
Mrs. Garrow -    Meeting ID: 974 6534 5598  Passcode: Garrow

    Meeting ID: 971 9514 6258  Passcode: Matteson

            Meeting ID: 987 0461 6756  Passcode: Nova

Please note that the standard and rules that are listed are not all-inclusive.  These rules and standards are to be followed along with the Oak Park Student Code of Conduct.

  • Students must have appropriate dress when in front of the camera in an Oak Park Virtual Classroom. 
  • Clothing that exposes your chest, torso, or undergarments is not permitted.

  • Students must demonstrate respect toward all other students, faculty, and staff members in the online environment.
  • Students should be on mute unless they are contributing to the class session.
  • Students should refrain from touching their keypad during class sessions unless advised otherwise.   
  • Students' cameras should be on at all times during class.
  • Students should limit their chat conversations to only class related material.
  • Private chats during the class session are prohibited unless authorized by the instructor.
  • Students should be attentive and contribute to the classroom discussions as required.
  • Students will refrain from negative/ distracting comments in the class chat.
  • Profanity/vulgarity along with any communication that will degrade, disrespect, or that is abusive in nature is prohibited in the virtual classroom.
  • Including but not limited to signs, symbols, or gestures.
  • Students are expected to log in to their district provided student Gmail account ONLY to complete classroom work.
  • Students cannot change the password on their school Gmail account.
  • Students should not send unsolicited emails to other classmates from their school Gmail account.  All forms of communication to students or teachers must be course-related in nature.
  • Logging in to another students account is strictly prohibited
  • Students should work in an environment conducive to learning; free from distractions and other individuals if possible.
  • Students should only participate in their scheduled virtual classroom unless invited to another session by the teacher. 
  • Violations of these expectations will result in disciplinary action pursuant to the Oak Park Student Code of Conduct and may result in the exclusion of the student from the virtual classroom environment.  Refer to the Protocols of Misbehavior.
  • Students are responsible for classroom assignments and must arrange with the teacher if assistance is needed.

Supports Offered to Students

Student success is our success as a school.  At NOVA, our staff understands that the social emotional needs of students are just as important as their academic needs.  To that end, the following supports are in place for all NOVA students:  

  • Use of Growth Mindset Language: Positive words of encouragement as it relates to academic success – “you just haven’t gotten it yet,”   “you can do this.” The language is used by staff members to help students understand that they are valued and can make mistakes.
  • Check In, Check Out: Staff members check in with one or two students on a daily basis to discuss goals for their day and check out at the end of the day if the goal(s) have been accomplished. 
  • Capturing Kids Hearts:  The basic prism is to embrace each student as they enter the classroom with a hello, a high five, or a greeting that acknowledges them as an individual. The acknowledgement continues throughout the school day as well as when students leave the classroom.
  • Restorative Practices: All humans are hardwired to connect. Just as we need food, shelter and clothing, human beings also need strong and meaningful relationships to thrive Restorative practices is an emerging social science that studies how to strengthen relationships between individuals as well as social connections within communities (IIRP, 2019). To learn more about Restorative Practices, click on the hotlink.
  • Social Work Support:  At NOVA, there is a general education and specialized student services social worker on staff. They support students that need one-on-one or group support to discuss concerns, issues and/or problems.  Parent consent is required.   

Hello students and staff,

Mrs. Lewis will be providing NOVA students counseling services by appointment and during certain times through the day, those time will be determined later.  If you feel you are having an emergency please go to the NOVA Virtual Office or call the school phone line 248 336 7651.  There is also a district service that you can call as well 248 336 7669.


Call the NOVA Office for an appointment 248-336-7651

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students