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Welcome to Oak Park High School

Office Hours
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
School Hours
8:35 AM - 3:35PM

Oak Park High School
13701 Oak Park Blvd.
Oak Park, MI 48237

Do you have questions?
Please communicate with us by following our OPS Communication Protocol. Doing so, will allow us to respond ASAP. 

Health, Safety & Arrival/Dismissal Procedures - updates coming soon

Contact Us

Main Office  248-336-7740
Fax  248-336-7751
Attendance  248-336-7750
Counseling  248-336-7740
Transportation  248-336-7601
Technology   248-336-7667


Oak Park High School Administration

Renita Williams 

Mario Evans
Assistant Principal

Rona Glenn
Assistant Principal

Greg Carter
Athletic Director

Welcome Back OPHS families! 

We are excited to welcome back students and families to the 2023-2024 school year! As we embark on the upcoming school year we want to share our commitment that this year will be a year of rigorous and engaging work within our classrooms. I want to emphasize our pledge to create and maintain a safe environment for our students and community.  

OPHS has made many changes to our security plans that will foster a safe and healthy environment. In addition to the new security camera system, we will have 12 dedicated security officers throughout our building. Each officer has undergone extensive training this summer to ensure we are prepared to support our students. Lastly, OPHS has a renewed partnership with Oak Park Public Safety that will include daily walkthroughs in our school. 

All students will be dropped off in the student-visitor parking lot. Drivers will enter through gate 1 and follow the traffic cones to the student drop-off lane, once the student is dropped off the driver will exit gate 2.   

Parents and family members picking up students, please be advised that there is no parking on Oak Park Blvd from the student parking lot driveway up to the exit of the circular drive. The circular drive is for emergency vehicles only.

All students and visitors will enter the building through the student entrance, DOOR 28. Students must have a school-issued photo ID to enter the building. Once the student shows ID they will move to the next door where they will pass through metal detectors and have their bag checked. Next, the student will go into the cafeteria for breakfast and be released from the cafeteria at 7:55 a.m. 

Students may not wear the following: 

  • Hats 
  • Full face masks (including gaiter masks) 
  • Sunglasses 
  • Hoodies on their heads 
  • Any top that shows a bare midriff (e.g., no crop tops, bralettes or sheer/lace tops) 
  • Excessively ripped or torn clothing.  No cut-off shorts.  No holes above the mid-thigh area. 
  • Clothing with obscene language, sexual innuendo, or references to drugs or alcohol.  Clothing that harasses or defames individuals or groups of people. 

The wonderful OPHS staff and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to an excellent school year! 

OPHS I.C.A.R.E. Volunteers Needed

OPHS is looking for parent, guardian, alumni, and community volunteers to ensure a safe student arrival and dismissal. Click HERE to visit OPHS - I.C.A.R.E. Volunteer webpage. 

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OPHS Social-Emotional Support

If your child needs social-emotional support or help navigating their schedule, please contact the appropriate support staff.

School Counselors

Ms. Sheryl Taylor -

Mrs. Tannille Winston-McCrary  - 

Ms. Violida Barnett -

School Social Workers 

Student Services Social Workers

Ms. Mary Long -

Mrs. Nancy Holbrook -

Student Services School Psychologist 

Ms. Linette Thomas -