Principal's Welcome

Dear OPHS Families & Community,

We are striving for excellence through a shared vision that we have developed with our teachers, staff and community. Together, we are committed to providing high quality teaching and learning to achieve success. With a clear roadmap for continuous school improvement, our collaborative efforts to function as a Professional Learning Community (PLC) with administrators, staff, parents, and students purposefully working interdependently to achieve common goals to for student success. 

 Our fundamental purpose is to ensure all students learn at high levels and develop academic and social skills to ensure students are productive citizens.  We believe that consistency and intentional efforts to uphold the following shared values will help us accomplish our purpose:

  • Building Relationships & Community         
  • Prioritizing Learning with High Expectations
  • Taking Ownership & Being Accountable 
  • Prioritizing Teaching & Learning 
  • Nurturing a Safe Learning Environment 

In order to achieve the goals intended, we solicit the continued support of our students, parents, and community leaders.  Your partnership, feedback, and active participation on this educational journey will help us progress from good to great.  

To learn more information, please contact me to tour Oak Park High School!

Go Knights! 





Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students