
Course Offerings

English Language Arts

Course Name: English Language Arts Grade 9

Course Description: This course builds the solid foundation of knowledge, skills and strategies needed to critically examine written works and other methods of communication. Students will synthesize information, ideas and themes to understand the past and present, and to think innovatively about the future. This one-year course provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: English Language Arts Grade 9 Honors

Course Description: This course solidifies and extends knowledge, skills and strategies needed to critically examine written works and other methods of communication. Students will synthesize information, ideas and themes to understand the past and present, and to think innovatively about the future. This one-year course provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language.  

Course Prerequisites: Enrollment criteria include attendance, NWEA MAP and M-Step or PSAT scores

Course Length: Full year​

Course Name: College Readiness ELA 9

Course Description: Students will identify, refine, and improve their reading strengths to augment their skills in all high school studies.  Students will study in-depth academic vocabulary and vocabulary in context.  Students will read a variety of text including fiction, nonfiction and informational text.  A variety of blended learning will be included utilizing IXL and other online programs.

Course Prerequisites: Enrollment criteria include attendance, NWEA MAP and M-Step or PSAT scores

Course Length: Semester  

Course Name: English Language Arts Grade 10

Course Description: Developing students’ knowledge of textual elements and structures enabling them to engage in close reading of increasingly complex texts is the focus of ELA 10. Analytical skills and strategies are developed while moving from a variety of literature genres to a variety of nonfiction genres including foundational documents from American history, multi-media, and visual texts. Students work with literary non-fiction, and informational text types in both their reading and writing. Skills of argumentation are deepened with close study and development of claims, counterclaims, line of reasoning, and building evidence-based arguments.  Course activities align to Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. 

Course Prerequisites: English Language Arts Grade 9

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Pre-AP English Language Arts Grade 10  

Course Description: Preparing students for AP English Language & Composition through rigorous coursework is the focus of this honors track course.  Developing knowledge of textual elements and structures enables students to engage with complex texts. Analytical skills and strategies are developed as students explore a variety of fiction and non-fiction genres including foundational documents from American history, multimedia and visual texts. Argumentation skills are deepened as they study and develop claims, counterclaims, lines of reasoning and building evidence based arguments. Course activities align to Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

Course Prerequisites: English Language Arts Grade 9; Enrollment criteria include attendance, NWEA MAP and M-Step or PSAT scores

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: English Language Arts Grade 11

Course Description: This course reinforces the prerequisites of ninth and tenth grade ELA competencies through additional writing, literature, listening and speaking skills to prepare students for English 12. Students will explore a wide variety of authors and genres, including short story, fiction, non-fiction (information and argument), and memoir. Students will write in a variety of genres to improve proficiency as writers. State approved Common Core standards are followed throughout the full school year.

Course Prerequisites: English Language Arts Grade 10

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Advanced Placement English Language and Composition   

Course Description: Comprised of an intensive study of language and composition as it relates to being a reader as well as a writer, this course is designed to challenge college-bound students by offering a rigorous curriculum that helps them reach their highest potential. Students will read primarily non-fiction in this course and use a plethora of authors to mentor their own writing. A wide range of genres will be used for critical analysis. Students will use rhetorical skills to analyze texts in close reading and annotating activities. Writing as a process will be taught, modeled and practiced in this course.

Course Prerequisites: English Language Arts Grade 10

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: English Language Arts Grade 12

Course Description: Following Common Core State Standards, students develop knowledge of textual elements and structures enabling them to engage in close reading of increasingly complex texts. They also develop analytical skills and strategies while moving from a variety of literature genres to a variety of nonfiction genres.  Students study novels, Shakespeare’s Hamlet and informational texts. Students examine texts for bias and point of view in readers and writers texts, and extend this thinking as they research topics of personal interest. 

Course Prerequisites: English Language Arts Grade 11

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition

Course Description: Enroll in AP English Literature and Composition to ensure preparation for college level English Courses and for the College Board’s AP exam. Students will engage in extensive reading, writing, and analytical thinking while exploring literature from many eras and genres. Close reading and annotating activities as well as writing as a process are taught, modeled and practiced.  In addition to teacher feedback, students are given the opportunity for in class peer review. 

Course Prerequisites: English Language Arts Grade 11

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: African American Literature

Course Description: African-American Literature is an introductory course to the examination of the collective and individual African-American “identity” as told through Black literary expression. This course facilitates critical thinking, reading, writing, listening, and viewing as students analyze visual and written text significant to the African-American experience. Common Core State Standards for ELA form the basis of course content.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: One Semester

Course Name: Creative Writing

Course Description: This semester long course will offer students an opportunity to read and write a variety of texts.  Students will be able to explore the many ways to be creative with the pen. This course will examine: poetry, micro fiction, short story, 1 act plays, literary nonfiction, and memoir.  After reading samples, students will play with various techniques to gauge what works best for them as a writer. Students will be encouraged to take risks with their writing and push themselves in the field of composition.  The only limiting factor is the student’s imagination.  Common Core State Standards for ELA form the basis of course content.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: One Semester



Course Name: Algebra 1

Course Description: Students will explore the relationship between quantities and how they can be used to solve real world problems. This will be accomplished through the study of functions and representations. Key areas of study include linear, exponential and quadratic functions as means to model real-world scenarios. Students extend their study of linear functions through systems of equations and inequalities. Use of a graphing calculator is embedded in the course. This course meets the Algebra I requirements from the State of Michigan as well as the National Common Core State Standards.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Honors Algebra 1

Course Description: This course is a more rigorous and faster paced version of standard Algebra 1. Students will explore the relationship between quantities and how they can be used to solve real world problems. This will be accomplished through the study of functions and representations. Key areas of study include linear, exponential and quadratic functions as means to model real-world. Students extend their study of linear functions through systems of equations and inequalities. Use of a graphing calculator is embedded in the course. This course meets the Algebra I requirements from the State of Michigan as well as the National Common Core State Standards.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Geometry

Course Description: Through exploring an introduction of geometric skills and concepts based on the Common Core State Standards, students will learn the relationships and properties of geometric figures, congruence, similarity, circles, measurement (perimeter, circumference, area, surface area, volume, angle measure), the Pythagorean Theorem, inductive and deductive reasoning, and proof writing. This class is crucial to fulfill graduation requirements and some of the topics in Geometry are found on the SAT Additional Math Topics section.

Course Prerequisites: Algebra 1 

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: Honors Geometry

Course Description: For students who have successfully completed Honors Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 this course offers students an opportunity to learn geometry at a more rigorous pace than the traditional geometry course offered in the high school.   This course pushes students to go beyond thinking at a critical level, but requires students to justify and explain their reasoning to others.  Honors geometry also requires students to apply each unit of study to a real world project that will extent student understanding beyond procedural understanding to true application.  This course is designed to extend student’s understandings of basic geometric principals learned in middle school.  Students explore more complex geometric conditions; deepen their explanations of geometric relationships; create and explain formal mathematical arguments.   Students build a formal understanding of similarity to triangles, which forms the basis of right triangle trigonometry.  Additionally, students expand their understanding of two and three dimensional objects to circles which are used to create formal proofs for tangent lines, radius, angles, chords, in addition to segment lengths and angle measures. 

Course Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and satisfactory scores on NWEA and PSAT Math  

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: Algebra 2

Course Description: Students will expand on the mathematical knowledge of Algebra 1 and Geometry. Many new concepts and skills are introduced based on the Common Core State Standards that will be familiar to more advanced. The emphasis is on abstract thinking skills, the function concept, and the algebraic solution of problems in various content areas. Major topics include absolute value and inequalities, simultaneous linear systems, complex numbers, quadratic functions, logarithms, arithmetic and geometric series, and trigonometry. Algebra 2 is a graduation requirement that includes multiple core topics found on the SAT Heart of Algebra and Passport to Mathematics sections. 

Course Prerequisites: Algebra 1 and Geometry 

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: Honors Algebra 2

Course Description: This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Honors Geometry or Geometry in 9thor 10thgrade.  Honors algebra 2 offers students an opportunity to learn algebra 2 at a more rigorous pace than the traditional algebra 2 course offered in the high school. The purpose of this class is to set students up to successfully complete pre-calculus in high school and all entry level math courses in college.  Honors algebra 2 students are introduced to the same topics taught in the regular algebra 2 class: polynomial, rational and radical functions, the unit circle, polynomial arithmetic, zeros of polynomials, complex number system, probability distributions.   However, this class pushes students to think more conceptually, for example students are introduced to matrices as a way to solve systems of equations.  Students are taught how to apply rules of transformations to make predictions about various types of graphs. 

Course Prerequisites: Algebra 1, Geometry, and satisfactory scores on NWEA and PSAT Math 

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: Advanced Math

Course Description: Students will learn to understand the basics of discrete structures that are backbones of computer science. In particular, this class is meant to introduce graph theory, matrix operations, set theory, voting systems, fair division and counting principles. This class serves as an additional option for students to complete 4 years of high school math credits for graduation requirements.  Course content drawn from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

Course Prerequisites: 3 Years of high school mathematics 

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: Financial Literacy

Course Description: Financial Literacy is a 12th grade math course that meets the Michigan Merit Graduation requirement for four years of high school mathematics.  In a time where 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and 75% of Americans have some form of debt, having a class that teaches our students about financial independence and living financially responsible lives is important now more than ever.  This class will have a heavy emphasis on real world application which will require a high level of reading comprehension.  The combination of reading and math makes this course the ideal 4th year math class for our students who will be going out in the world at the end of their senior year.  By the end of this class students will be able to adopt healthy financial habits, become critical consumers of financial information, and articulate successful business plans and operations.  This course has a curriculum aligned to our curricular resource, Big Ideas, used by our 6 - 11th grade math students and covers Common Core Math Standards adopted by the state of Michigan.

Course Prerequisites: 3 Years of high school mathematics 

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: College Prep Algebra

Course Description: This is an option for all 12th grade students to take as their 4th year math class.  This course would follow from Algebra 2.  College Prep Algebra is an optional 4th year math class for our 12th grade students, and follows directly after the successful completion of Algebra II.  This course incorporates skills learned in 9th through 11th grade with an emphasis on reestablishing algebra skills and then pushing students to use those algebra skills to simplify rational expressions and exponential and logarithmic functions. This class will have a heavy emphasis on real world application which will require a high level of reading comprehension.  Therefore the course will utilize closed reading and vocabulary development strategies to ensure students understand the material and are then able to apply the math.   Students who take this course will build upon their algebraic knowledge to simplify rational expressions, factor complex polynomials, and solve exponential equations.  Additionally, students will be able to translate real world scenarios into algebraic expressions and equations, and then use those to create tables and graphs to predict end behavior.  Finally, students will be able to solve interleaved problems with ease by identifying the best method to solve problems given the context and content of the problem.  The overall goal of this course is to ensure students can successfully place in a college level math class without the need for remedial math classes post high school. 

Course Prerequisites: 3 Years of high school mathematics 

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: Probability & Statistics

Course Description: Probability & Statistics is an introduction to probability, analyzing data, statistical problem solving found in the Common Core State Standards. The course is designed to provide students with a foundation in probability and the ability to process statistical information. Core topics include counting principles, standard distributions (e.g., normal, binomial), variance, standard deviation, and organizing and describing distribution of data. This class is important as an additional option for students to complete 4 years of high school math credits for graduation requirements. 

Course Prerequisites: 3 Years of high school mathematics 

Course Length: Year-long

Course Name: Pre-Calculus

Course Description: Students will continue to further advance in topics within Algebra Common Core State Standards ranging from polynomial, rational, and exponential functions to conic sections. Trigonometry concepts such as Law of Sines and Cosines will be introduced. Students will then begin analytic geometry and calculus concepts such as limits, derivatives, and integrals.  This class is important for any student planning to take a college algebra or college pre-calculus class.

Course Prerequisites: 3 Years of high school mathematics and satisfactory score on NWEA and SAT Math

Course Length: Year-long 



Course Name: Biology

Course Description: This course is designed to teach students the study of scientific methodology, molecular biology, cells and their structures, energy and metabolism, the study of cell division, DNA, protein synthesis, environmental science and ecology.  Real world phenomena, current issues and engineering challenges will be used as the focus for concept development. The course is aligned to the Michigan Science Standards, which are based on the nationally developed Next Generation Science Standards. 

Course Prerequisites: None.

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Chemistry

Course Description: Chemistry is an inquiry-based course designed to motivate, instruct, and excite students about the science of chemistry. The Chemistry curriculum incorporates properties of matter, properties of elements, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, and chemical bonding, molar mass, balancing equations, thermochemistry, gas laws, pH, acids, bases, salts, and solutions. The course is aligned to the Michigan Science Standards, which are based on the nationally developed Next Generation Science Standards. 

Course Prerequisite:  Biology

Course Length:  Full year

Course Name: Honors Chemistry

Course Description:  This course is designed for students who have shown a proficiency in studying science and who have exhibited interest and enthusiasm for science.  Honors Chemistry will motivate, instruct, and excite students about the science of chemistry while providing students with a comprehensive scope of the Next Generation Science Standards. The Honors Chemistry curriculum incorporates properties of matter, properties of elements, atomic structure, nuclear chemistry, and chemical bonding, molar mass, balancing equations, thermochemistry, gas laws, pH, acids, bases, salts, and solutions.

Course Prerequisite:  Biology

Course Length:  Full year

Course Name: Physics

Course Description: The physics curriculum has been designed to provide students with a broad yet focused approach to the mastery of physics topics and concepts: Understanding Qualitative and Quantitative Scientific Theory, Vector Mathematics, Forces and Motion, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Properties of Waves, Electrical Fields and Current and Modern Physics. The course is aligned to the Michigan Science Standards, which are based on the nationally developed Next Generation Science Standards. 

Course Prerequisites:  Algebra I/Algebra II and Geometry

Course Length:  Full year

Course Name: Honors Physics

Course Description: The physics curriculum has been designed to provide students with a focused approach to the mastery of physics topics and concepts using advanced mathematics: Understanding Qualitative and Quantitative Scientific Theory, Vector Mathematics, Forces and Motion, Conservation of Energy and Momentum, Properties of Waves, Electrical Fields and Current and Modern Physics. This course aligns to the Michigan Science Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.

Course Prerequisites:  Algebra I/Algebra II and Geometry

Course Length:  Full year

Course Name: Science of Engineering

Course Description: This class emphasizes project based learning.  The need for engineers is great and this is a course designed to give students a taste of the several different types of engineering fields, such as Civil, Alternative Energy, Marine and Mechanical.  The course starts with the basics for all types of engineers and then goes into four different types of engineering.  The culmination will be the underwater ROV competition between the groups and the winners earn the privilege of going to a state-wide competition in March.  Course is designed to incorporate the science and engineering practices from the Next Generation Science Standards.

Course Pre-requisites: None

Course Length:  Full year

Course Name: Robotics Technology

Course Description: Utilizing Arduino technology, GPS and sensors, Autonomous IVD vehicles must traverse a challenge course and avoid obstacles without driver assistance. Student teams compete at the Innovative Vehicle Design Challenge Day in performance, engineering and craftsmanship, design innovation, ambassadorship, and presentation categories and this year’s P3 Innovation Award and scholarship program. Course is designed to incorporate the science and engineering practices from the Next Generation Science Standards.  

Course Pre-requisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Forensic Science

Course Description: This course is designed to have the students practice the principles of crime scene investigations in real world scenarios. Some units covered include entomology, forensic anthropology, handwriting analysis and types of evidence. The course is aligned to the Michigan Science Standards and the nationally developed Next Generation Science Standards. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Astronomy

Course Description: This course, which is based on the first level of an Astronomy program, is designed to focus intently on the most important aspects of Astronomy.  We will begin by examining historical astronomy, formation of the universe and all of the atoms in it, and how galaxies stars and planets were made, planetary and stellar evolution, understand the evolution of galaxies and analyze the probability of life. The course is aligned to the Michigan Science Standards and the nationally developed Next Generation Science Standards. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Environmental Science

Course Description: Environmental science is the study of patterns and processes in the natural world and their modification by human activity. To understand current environmental problems, we need to consider physical, biological and chemical processes that are often the basis of those problems. This course will give you the skills necessary to address the environmental issues we are facing today by examining scientific principles and the application of those principles to natural systems.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Anatomy & Physiology

Course Description: This introductory course takes a systems approach to learning about the human body and how its systems work with one another to maintain homeostasis. This is a great foundational course for students interested in pursuing STEM careers in life and health science, such as nursing, medical school, or physical therapy, in addition to students wishing to gain a deeper knowledge of how the human body works.  Students will explore the following systems: histology (cells), integumentary, musculoskeletal, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory, endocrine, lymphatic, and reproductive.  Students will complement their learning with dissection labs where they observe structures closely analogous to the human body . This course aligns to the Michigan Science Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year


Social Studies

Course Name: U.S. History: 1877 to Present

Course Description: Students will study the impact of political, economic and social developments from post-civil war reconstruction to the present, as well as the interaction among people of different national origins, races and cultures and how such interaction has shaped our history. Emphasis is placed on how World and U.S. events have affected our world today. The course has eight units of instruction: Politics to 1877, Becoming a World Power, Progressivism and reform, Great Depression/ New Deal, World War II, Cold War, Civil Rights/ Vietnam War, America in a New Global Age.  This course is aligned to the current HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: U.S. Government

Course Description: Explore the philosophical foundations of democratic government in the United States. The structure and functions of national and state government under the American federal system. Students strengthen their understanding of the legal rights and accompanying responsibilities shared by all citizens of our constitutional democracy. They explore American political behavior. Through discussions and writing, they practice making reasoned decisions about matters of public policy. This course is also offered on an honors track, and both are aligned to the current HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: None 

Course length: Semester

Course Name: Economics

Course Description: Students deepen their understanding of basic economic concepts and apply them to national and international problems. In addition to the study of macroeconomics, students study personal finance and business in a free market economy. They learn about the banking system, stock market, taxation, productivity, marketing and advertising. Students compile, analyze and present statistical data pertinent to economic problems. Make informed decisions as consumers and to participate as citizens in deciding matters of economic policy. This course is aligned to the current HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course length: Semester

Course Name: World History

Course Description: Students will explore the history of the world beginning with an overview of ancient civilizations to present day to draw comparisons, connections and patterns that will leave them with the ability to think critically about the world we live in today.  Students will be able to read, write and analyze documents to build a historical argument. Students will become globally informed citizens.  This course is also offered on an honors track and both are aligned to the current HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: Government

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Advanced Placement World History 

Course Description: Students will explore the history of the world beginning with 1000 CE to present day to draw comparisons, connections and patterns that will develop the ability to think critically about the world we live in today.  Students will be prepared to read, write and analyze documents at a collegiate level. At the end of the course students will have the opportunity to take a test which may result in earning college credit. This course is aligned to the current HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Humanities

Course Description: This semester long course focuses on the thematic study of human relationships and cultures with an interdisciplinary approach using Literature, History, and Music.  Students will learn how the areas of Humanities connect to and affect each other by exploring their own writing, improving their reading skills and understanding the reader/writer connection.  Students will write and analyze literature individually and/or in groups, while developing their speaking and delivery skills through individual and/or group speeches, presentations and/or performances. This course is aligned to the current Common Core State Standards for ELA and the HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Civil Rights

Course Description: This elective social studies course will explore a history of American civil rights, beginning with Reconstruction (1865-1877) through Jim Crow and the first (1880-1950) and second (1954-1969) Civil Rights Movements, before examining how this history relates to Black Lives Matter and related current events. Our inquiry-based journey will include honest self-assessments, in-class research and debate, student exchange field trips and a final research project, as we try to determine if we are involved in a civil rights moment or just witnessing one. This course is aligned to the current HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: Government

Course Length: One Semester

Course Name: You and the Law

Course Description:  With ongoing controversies and current events, many citizens are starting to explore how to get more involved in trying to be an agent of positive change, even in an atmosphere of increased discrimination, poverty and violence. This one-semester social studies elective will attempt to further explore questions raised in the Civil Rights course by focusing on essential pre-law concepts with a local, “street” perspective, along with basic legal awareness and international human rights. We will conclude with deeper investigations into what could be done about social, economic and legal injustice.  This course is aligned to the current HSCEs for Social Studies.  

Course Prerequisites: Government 

Course Length: One Semester

Course Name:  Student Leadership

Course Description:  Students will be able to demonstrate their critical and creative thinking about the role of leadership in history and today’s society.  Students will learn about effective communication, how to interact with diverse individuals and groups, and have an introduction into basic network-building concepts and strategic relationships.  Students will learn to find their personal values and their voice.  Students will be a part of The Student Leadership Challenge.  

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester



World Language

Course Name: French 1

Course Description:  Students will begin their acquisition of French in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  They will achieve a basic level of comprehension of French, begin to interact in French using proper social norms, and begin appropriate exploration and interaction with francophone history and culture. This course is aligned to the Michigan World Language 5C Standards and ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners at the Novice Level.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full Year

Course Name: Spanish 1

Course Description:  Students will begin their acquisition of Spanish in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.  They will achieve a basic level of comprehension of Spanish, begin to interact in Spanish to using proper social norms and begin appropriate exploration and interaction with Spanish history and culture. This course is aligned to the Michigan World Language 5C Standards and ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners at the Novice Level.

Course Prerequisites: None                

Course Length: Full Year

Course Name: French II

Course Description:  Students will review level I and expand upon the learned concepts by: continuing their acquisition of French in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking, achieving a higher level of comprehension of French, interacting in French to demonstrate understanding at the Novice level and exploring and interacting appropriately with francophone culture and history. This course is aligned to the Michigan World Language 5C Standards and ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners at the Novice Level.

Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of French IA and IB    

Course Length: Full Year

Course Name: Spanish II

Course Description:  Students will review level I and expand upon the learned concepts by: continuing their acquisition of Spanish in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking, achieving a higher level of comprehension of Spanish, interacting in Spanish to demonstrate understanding at the Novice level and exploring and interacting appropriately with Spanish culture and history. This course is aligned to the Michigan World Language 5C Standards and ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners at the Novice Level.

Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish IA and IB

Course Length: Full Year

Course Name: English Language Development

Course Description: The ESL Level 1 course is an introduction to the English language and American culture. It is intended for students who have not yet studied English and for those students scoring 1-3 on the WIDA ACCESS PLACEMENT TEST (W-APT). The goal of this course is to develop academic language and empower language learners to become valued contributors within their learning communities. In this yearlong course, students begin to communicate in English by reading, writing, listening, and speaking about their school routines, healthy lifestyles, American cultural activities, and personal goals. The focus of this course is to support the development and use of academic English in the content areas of English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, science and social studies. (Curriculum has been adapted from Oakland Schools Atlas Rubicon)

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year


Visual Arts Courses

Course Name: Fundamentals of Art

Course Description: An introduction to the formal language of visual art, this one semester course explores the application of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create small-scale, visual compositions (basic drawing, painting, and sculpture). Learn the language and practice fundamental design and technical application skills. This course aligns to State of Michigan High School Content Expectations for Visual Arts. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Art History

Course Description: Students will explore different eras within history in order to explore artistic connections.  Tenth through twelfth grade students will create artwork that demonstrates their learning at the end of each unit.  The major units of study are: Prehistoric Art, Egyptian Art, Greek Art, Roman Art, African Art and Art Ethics.  This one semester course provides instruction in the State of Michigan’s Visual Arts Standards. 

Course Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Art

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Painting

Course Description: Explore basic painting techniques and concepts, with an emphasis on color theory in this one-semester course, while continuing to refine, apply, and extend knowledge of composition design, Elements of Art and Principles of Design. This course aligns to State of Michigan High School Content Expectations for Visual Arts. 

Course Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Art

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Sculpture

Course Description: Explore and apply a variety of techniques in this course such as working with 3-Dimensional space and different hand building techniques with a variety of materials.  Focus on the Elements (specifically Line, Shape, Color, Texture, and Space/Form) and Principles of Design (specifically Repetition, Balance, Unity, Harmony), as well as how to apply these concepts while creating art work.  This course aligns to State of Michigan High School Content Expectations for Visual Arts. 

Course Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Art

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Ceramics

Course Description: Explore and apply a variety of techniques in this course such as working with 3-Dimensional space, different hand building techniques, sculpting with clay, as well as the Glazing and Clay Firing Processes.  Focus on the Elements (specifically Line, Shape, Color, Texture, and Space/Form) and Principles of Design (specifically Repetition, Balance, Unity, Harmony), as well as how to apply these concepts while creating art work.  This course aligns to State of Michigan High School Content Expectations for Visual Arts. 

Course Prerequisites: Sculpture

Course Length: Semester


Performing Arts

Course Name: Concert Band

Course Description: Concert Band is designed to give student an enriching and diverse instrumental music education. This class provides a number of performance opportunities for the student in a variety of settings.  Activities involving performance techniques, general musicianship and creative/critical thinking are emphasized during rehearsals. The daily objective of the course is to foster and promote musical growth through the playing of an instrument by the student. As a member of the band program, group effort and cooperation is necessary to a successful program. Participation in concert band is a skilled effort in which each student is expected to show technical and musical growth throughout this course.  Instruction is guided by the music curriculum standards set forth by the state of Michigan.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Concert Choir

Course Description: The main goal of this course is to further develop choral technique, music reading and the joy of making music.  Concert performances are required as the choir is a team and each member plays an intricate part.  As the year progresses students will improve their vocal performance skills and further their musicianship by performing more difficult music. Instruction is guided by the music curriculum standards set forth by the state of Michigan.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Course Name: Theater Production

Course Description: Students will learn the skills and develop the knowledge to create the technical elements of theater.  Tenth through twelfth grade students will create scenery, costume, properties, music, lighting, sound and makeup designs for a variety of genres of theater.  This one semester course provides instruction in the State of Michigan’s Theater Arts Standards. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Exploration of Sound: American Music History

Course Description: Students will learn the history of American popular music from 1900 to the present. Students will investigate the different music and corresponding dance styles that occurred during each era being studied. Students will listen to recordings, view videos and read informational stories that depict each era’s distinct and singular contribution to the American music timeline. Instruction is guided by the music curriculum standards set forth by the state of Michigan.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Exploration of Sound: Keyboarding

Course Description: Students will learn basic performance practices of the piano. This knowledge can be transferred to all keyboard instruments. Students will learn through practical application how to read and perform beginning to intermediate piano literature. Each student will be provided a keyboard station in order to perform piano literature in class individually as well as in groups. Music theory lessons that coincide with piano literature are provided. All learning materials are provided by the instructor. Instruction is guided by the music curriculum standards set forth by the state of Michigan. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Percussion and Brass

Course Description:   Percussion Ensemble is for percussionists who have had previous band experience and are interested in further developing their ability in the percussive arts. Emphasis is placed on the fundamentals of comprehensive percussion performance (snare drum, timpani, keyboards, marching percussion, and drum set), including tonal concepts, technical skills, rehearsal skills, aural skills, and rudimentary music theory. In addition to several formal concerts, members are required to perform for various school/community performances, and sectional rehearsals. Attendance at these functions when scheduled outside of school hours is a course requirement. Members of the Percussion Ensemble combine with musicians of the Concert Band, and Marching Band to perform at large concerts. In addition, members of the Percussion Ensemble have the opportunity to participate in a variety of co-curricular music ensembles and activities.


This course also focuses on the development of ensemble skills and brass pedagogy through rigorous rehearsal and performance of major brass ensemble compositions.  The ensemble skills include individualism, group participation, intonation, style, leadership, communication and professional commitment and responsibility.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length:  Full Year


Well Being Courses

Course Name: Physical Education

Course Description: Students will engage in a variety of health-enhancing physical activities that promote a healthy and active lifestyle. In addition, students will learn the necessary skills to become lifelong participates in physical activity in order to maintain health and fitness. Areas of focus include team/field sports and personal fitness activities. This course is aligned with the K-12 Michigan Standards for Physical Education.  

Course Prerequisites: None 

Course Length: Semester

Course Name:  Health

Course Description:  Students will learn the skills and acquire the knowledge to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle through investigation and study of the five components that determine the state of well-being (physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual health).  The presentations, discussions and activities during the semester focus on the topics aligned with the Michigan Model for Health – Secondary Level.  

Course Prerequisites:  None

Course Length:  Semester

Course Name:  Nutrition and Wellness

Course Description:  Students will be able to demonstrate multiple aspects of nutrition, food and fitness, and food preparation.  Students will learn to use the latest Dietary Guidelines and dietary reference intakes, learn the enjoyment of food and fitness, learn to eat for health in any situation, at home or on the go and, learn food preparation skills and food science principles.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Personal Fitness 

Course Description: This course will focus on students achieving and maintaining a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts, and strategies. Students will establish personal fitness goals, using principles of aerobics and core training. 

Prerequisites: None 

Course Length: Semester 

Course Name:  Survey of Yoga

Course Description:  Gain an understanding and ability to practice Pranayama (breath control: 3 part breath); become aware of the connection between mind, body and breath. Understand the correct way to create and be able to demonstrate basic yoga postures. Enhance muscle strength, flexibility and balance through Vinyasa flows and Yin practice. Understand the connection between mental and physical health.​ 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Computer Science Courses

Course Name: Web Design

Course Description:  Students will learn the languages HTML, CSS, a bootstrap framework and jQuery.  By the end of this course, students will create their own live homepages to serve as portfolios of their creations.  Students will explain how web pages are developed and viewed on the Internet, analyze and fix errors in existing websites, and create their very own multi page websites. Students will learn the foundations of user interface design, rapid prototyping and user testing, and will work together to create professional, mobile responsive websites using Angular, React, Vue.js and Node applications. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Introduction to Programming

Course Description:  Students will learn the fundamental concepts and terminology of Computer Science in Python, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, C#, Java, JavaScript, Frontend and Backend Development, PHP, Angular, React, Vue.js, Node and Bootstrap framework using the Sublime text editors.  Students will develop skills in designing, creating games, calendars and simple computer programs in an assigned programming language.  Students will explore and create projects using basic Python and Console Interaction, conditionals, looping, functions and other data structures. 

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: Computer Science Discoveries

Course Description:  This is an introductory, project based computer science class.  Its goal is to excite students about the creative, expressive and fun possibilities available in the computer science field, while building up their problem solving skills and growth mindset.  Students will learn about how computers can solve a variety of problems, they will apply this knowledge into the planning of a mobile application.  Students will also learn the basics of web design, and apply their new found HTML and CSS skills to build a personal webpage and a community project webpage. Finally, students will explore, design and build animations and finally a game using JAVA.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Semester

Course Name: AP Computer Science

Course Description:  This is an introductory college-level computing course.  Students will cultivate their understanding of computer science through working with data, collaborating to solve problems and developing computer programs as they explore concepts like creativity, abstraction, data and information, algorithms, programming, the internet and the global impact of computing.

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Length: Full year

Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students