Student-Athlete Eligibility

The interscholastic athletic program of the Oak Park Schools operates and adheres to the guidelines of the Michigan High School Athletics Association (MHSAA) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Clearing House.

Oak Park is in the Oakland Activities Association (OAA) Conference. Since 1994, the OAA has been one of the premier interscholastic athletic leagues in the state of Michigan. The OAA includes twenty-four public high schools located in Oakland County, Michigan and serves thousands of student-athletes in 26 sponsored sports (OAA, 2022). 

Master Eligibility List

All high school Principals must sign a Master Eligibility List certifying student-athlete eligibility for each sport.  


He/she must be in regular attendance the day of the athletic practice or contest during the week and must be in attendance on Friday to participate in weekend contest. A student on outside suspension shall be ineligible from the time of the infraction until the time of reinstatement.


Students must have enrolled in school prior to the fourth Friday after Labor Day (1st half of school year) or fourth Friday of February (2nd half of school year).  A student must be enrolled in the school for which he/she competes. 


A student becomes ineligible for high school athletics if they are 19 years old before September 1st of the current school year.  Middle school students must meet the following age limits to compete on middle school teams:  7th grade team – not 14 years old prior to September 1st, 8th or 7-8th grade combined teams – not 15 years old prior to September 1st. 

Physical Examination/Disclosure

Students must have on file a MHSAA Physical Examination Form signed by a medical professional (M.D., D.O., or Physician’s Assistant) and parent/guardian for the current school year (dated on or after April 15 of the previous school year) certifying that he/she is physically able to compete in athletic practices and contests prior to the first date of practice or tryouts. 

Maximum Enrollment

A student shall not compete in athletics that has been enrolled in grades 9-12, inclusive, for the equivalency of more than eight (8) semesters or twelve (12) trimesters.  The seventh and eighth semesters or the tenth, eleventh and twelfth trimesters must be consecutive. 

Maximum Competition

A student, once enrolled in grade nine shall be allowed to compete in only four (4) first semester and four (4) second semesters, or four (4) first trimesters, four (4) second trimesters and four (4) third trimesters. A student shall be limited to participation in only one MHSAA sport’s season when that sport is sponsored twice during the school year. 

Undergraduate Standing

A student who is a graduate of a regular four-year high school shall not be eligible for interscholastic athletics. 

Transfer Students

A student in grades 9 through 12 who was eligible at his/her previous high school and transfers to a OPSD school is generally not eligible to compete in an interscholastic contest unless the student qualifies under one or more of fifteen (15) MHSAA-published exceptions and all associated interpretations.  Students transferring from one high school to another will be withheld from practice or athletic contests until eligibility approval is obtained from the OPSD Office of Athletics.

Undue Influence

The use of undue influence by any person directly or indirectly associated with a school to secure or encourage the attendance of a student at a OPSD school for athletic purposes, shall cause the student-athlete to become ineligible for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of one year.  Further sanctions may be assessed to the offending coach or school and any suspected instances of undue influence must be reported to the Office of Athletics immediately.

Awards and Amateurism

Students cannot receive money or other valuable considerations for participating in MHSAA-sponsored sports or officiating in interscholastic athletic contests, except as allowed by the MHSAA Handbook.  Students may accept, for participation in MHSAA-sponsored sports, a symbolic or merchandise award that does not have a value over $40.00.  Banquets, luncheons, dinners, trips and admission to events, are permitted if accepted “in kind.”  Awards in the form of cash, merchandise, gift certificates, or any other negotiable documents are never allowed in any amount.

Limited Team Membership

A student who, after practicing with (including tryouts) or participating in an athletic contest or scrimmage as a member of a high school athletic team, participates in any athletic competition not sponsored by his or her school in the same sport during the same season, shall become ineligible for a minimum of the next three (3) days of competition and maximum of the remainder of that season in that school year.  However, during the seasons of bowling, cross country, golf, swimming & diving, tennis, track & field or wrestling, an athlete may participate in a maximum of two (2) non-school meets, contests, or competitions while not representing his or her school only after notification to the Athletic Coordinator and Office of Athletics.

Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students