Pepper Elementary - About Us

Pepper Elementary School is a traditional Pre-K-5 that includes the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) pre-school and full-day Kindergarten, school nestled in Oak Park. It is situated just steps from historic Shephard Park and Oak Park’s newly renovated Community Center, Public Library and City Hall. Pepper Elementary School consists of highly qualified teachers and a collaborative staff who provide a safe, nurturing and caring school community for all students.

Inquiry-based Learning

Our inquiry-based learning model provides students with an active approach to learning, while being exposed to a rigorous curriculum. To complement high quality instruction, our learning environments include resources consistent with best practice, such as a comprehensive English and Language Arts resource, called Journeys and a mathematics resource that builds a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts called, Math Expressions. Our high quality instruction is supported by co-curricular programming that includes, foreign language immersion, physical education, music and art classes. Classrooms are equipped with leveled libraries, updated technology that consists of interactive boards and 1:1 laptops.

Student Enrichment

Our enrichment opportunities provide students with many opportunities to explore a variety of interests, further develop and hone their leadership skills. We offer a variety of after school clubs, such as mentoring, chess, photography, fashion design and karate. Athletic options are available for students interested in dance, cheer and basketball. For the music enthusiasts, Pepper Elementary offers marching band and choir. The National Elementary Honor Society and Student Leadership Team honor student voice, cultivates a civic responsibility, emphasizes the value of making a difference and empowers students to impact the lives of others.

Student Support

For students in need of academic or social-emotional support, we have a full time Title I teacher, Reading Specialist and Specialized Services teacher on staff. We also have a full time School Psychologist and Social Worker. In addition, academic tutors, academic and behavior interventionist ensure that we are meeting the needs of all students. We utilize a Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) model and our approach to discipline is deeply rooted in a restorative ethos to repair harm and restore relationships to make certain all students feel a sense of belonging in our school community.

Engaged Parent Community

Pepper Elementary School boasts a highly engaged parent community, which provides additional opportunities for all students to feel connected to our school community. In addition to hosting Curriculum Night and Parent-Teacher Conferences, we offer a Family Resource Center for family support, Parent Workshops, partnerships with Oak Park Youth Assistance and Tri-Community Coalition and welcome parents with an open door policy.

Please contact Principal Emanuel Haley for a tour! 

Points of Pride

88% of Teachers hold a Master's Degree or higher
Advance Placement 22 AP Courses at OPHS
Championship Athletics 7- time MHSAA Division 1 Track & Field State Champions, 2021 National Champions, 2020 Division 2 MHSAA Regional Football Champions
National Honor Society experiences for K - 12 students