Hoffman Planetarium
The Hoffman Planetarium is an engaging, interactive full dome classroom. It is powered by advanced programs including, Starry Night, The Layered Earth and Zygote Body. The SciDome IQ2400 brings real-time space and earth science into a unique, innovative teaching environment. We immerse students in the planetarium’s interactive visual macrocosm, explored Earth’s 3D topography and layers in spectacular detail. Each individual high school Science course and grade level courses in kindergarten through eighth grade participate in a developmentally appropriate interactive presentations tailored to the curriculum and/or Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) disciplinary core ideas, while providing a connection to the astronomical 'big picture' - the Universe. At the Hoffman Planetarium, we believe that 'your journey into the mysteries of space begins here...
Preparing Students for a Lifetime of Success: Next Generation Science Standards Alignment
Within the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), there are three distinct and equally important dimensions to learning science-core ideas, practice and cross-cutting. The implementation of new science standards with the support of Planetarium programs provides an opportunity to advance science education for all students. To learn more information, please review the NGSS Parent Guides below.
Elementary School (Einstein, Key & Pepper)
Grades K- 2: Download the Grades K-2 Parent Guide
Grades 3- 5: Download the Grades 3-5 Parent Guide
Middle School (Oak Park Preparatory Academy)
Grades 6-8: Download the Grades 6-8 Parent Guide
High School (Oak Park Freshman Institute & Oak Park High School)
Grades 9-12: Download the Grades 9-12 Parent Guide
Planetarium Offerings
- Upon arrival into the Planetarium, students view a presentation specifically designed for their current science unit. For example, the 5th grade Earth Science show is entitled “Our Place in the Solar System” and explores most of the Next Generation Earth Science Standards (NGSS) for the 5th grade level.
- Students are also provided with an opportunity, during their Science Lab experience, to complete a hands-on activity related to their current unit. For 5th grade students, the activity allows students to construct a model of the solar system. Additionally, students also access the Virtual Labs available through the FOSS Science Curriculum and/or online Virtual Labs related to the unit material.
We have accommodations for both wheel-chair bound and students with disabilities, including devices for the hearing impaired. Our goal is to ensure that all students have access to the unique, interactive learning experience that the Planetarium offers!
Advanced Technology Planetarium Programs
Starry Night
The Layered Earth
Zygote Body
Planetarium Coordinator
To learn additional information about the Hoffman Planetarium or schedule a visit, please contact Mr. Grayling Mercer at gmercer@oakparkschools.org or 248.336.7620.
Mr. Grayling Mercer, M.A. | Oak Park High School
Planetarium Coordinator & Science Coach
We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us. ~ Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist